We are currently hiring at Three Angel Healthcare
Welcome to Three Angel Healthcare LTD
We are an established Domiciliary Service, which offers Person Centered Quality support to a wide client group, from ages 5+.
Three Angel Healthcare aims to provide complex care and support to individuals by using a holistic and flexible approach. We provide support seven days a week 24 hours a day. Office staff will be available from 8:00-18:00 Monday to Fridays. During out of hours and weekends we have an on-call system whereby staff or relatives can contact in case of emergency.
At Three Angel Healthcare we offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being. We promote dignity, independency, and respect in all approaches. We support individual to make choices and promote personal decision-making where possible.
Three Angel Healthcare recognizes and encourages the individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff, and visitors. We respect individual’s requirement for privacy and aim to treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner. Skilled staff are trained to recognize the individual’s needs for personal fulfilment and offer individualized programs of meaningful activity to satisfy needs and desires.
CARE you can
Three Angel Healthcare is established with an aim to deliver high quality of care in domiciliary setting
Professional staffs
We provide a wide range of experienced staff, who are highly competent in their areas of expertise. All staff receives a comprehensive induction and training is provided in all statutory. Staff are also offered the opportunity to complete Care certificates, Apprenticeships at levels 1,2,3 and 5, as well as well as linking in to the Care Skill Academy and Tutor Care.
We have Qualified Nurses, who will lead Nursing and Complex care cases as well as Senior Carers and Support Workers. Our carers always aim to carry out their care with discretion and in a way that respects privacy of the person, promotes dignity, and encourages independence where possible.
Affordable prices
All care packages are negotiated on each individual’s specific needs and the support that they may require. It is acknowledged that some clients may be in receipt of benefits or be in difficult situations, so personal circumstances will always be taken into account.

About Us
We work collaboratively with Local Authorities, the Private sector, Community Health Services, as well as with the Medical multidisciplinary team,including G.P’s.